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A Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society Est. 1973
Family Group Sheets
Fifty-seven binders of approximately 30,000 Geauga County families; alphabetical by surname.
This is our most important collection. Please consider contributing copies of your Geauga County family group sheets to the Anderson Allyn Room.
Family Files
File drawers of folders containing donated genealogical information on Geauga County families,
arranged alphabetically by surname.
History pertaining to Geauga County – books
Pioneer History of Geauga County, Ohio, 1880. Google Books has this book with no index.
Geauga County History, 1953
History of Lake and Geauga Counties, Ohio, 1878
Geauga County: Ohio, A Pictorial History, 1989 by James J. Anderson and Jeannette
Grosvenor -
Raccoon Brigade: Soldiers of the Revolutionary War Buried in Geauga County, Ohio,
1990 by Jeannette Grosvenor -
Women in the Western Reserve Before 1840/1850 (on microfilm with book index)
Women in Geauga County Before 1840/1850 (print-out of Geauga County townships
from original WWRB,1840, above, with re-creation of the three missing townships and
addition of index) -
Histories of several Geauga County townships (see GCPL catalog under township name)
Family histories (see GCPL catalog under family surname)
History pertaining to Geauga County
Archival boxes with newspaper clippings and other historical materials
Geauga County townships, files arranged by topic
Geauga County schools by township
Oral history transcripts, Kent State University (interviews of Geauga County senior
citizens 1976 – 1989) -
Examples of other topics include: history of Chardon Library, interurban railroads, Maple
Festival, Underground Railroad
Geauga County was formed from Trumbull County March 1, 1806. Lake County was formed
from Geauga County on April 6, 1840. For a link to U.S. county maps and boundary changes,
go to Atlas of Historical County Boundaries at Chicago’s Newberry Library.
1857 wall map (hanging on a wall in Chardon Library, reference)
1874 atlas is in “History of Geauga/Lake Counties, Ohio” 1878
“1900 Atlas of Geauga County”
Indexes to atlases and maps (1820 and 1830, 1857, 1874, 1900)
For copies of plat maps go to Geauga County Recorder’s Office:
Courthouse Annex 231 Main Street, Suite 1-C Chardon, Ohio 44024
(440) 279-2020
(440) 285-2222
(440) 564-7131
(440) 834-1856
300 microfilms of Geauga County newspapers
(1833 – 1992): some years missing -
The News-Herald
(on microfilm or CD from Nov. 9, 1992 – present) -
The Plain Dealer
(on microfilm for Nov. 11, 1989 – Jan. 10, 2013) -
The Maple Leaf
(hard copies for 1993– current)
Chardon High School Yearbooks
Geauga County Public Library also houses a collection of Chardon High School yearbooks.
*GCPL is in the process of converting cemetery and other genealogical records from Excel spreadsheets to web pages. These links will be updated as the content is made available. Thanks for your patience as we work on this extensive project.
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